40% of your delinquent accounts could be current with one simple change in your sales and credit program: Credit Insurance.
By selling Credit Insurance to your customer at the time of their purchase, you will have fewer delinquent accounts. Our customers delinquent accounts reduce by an average of 40% when our Credit Insurance program is properly implemented. 40% fewer delinquencies mean fewer headaches, happier customers, more repeat business and more profit at the end of the year.
Our Credit Programs include:
There are many other valuable reasons why you should have Credit Insurance as a natural part of your sales and credit program. As with any program, proper implementation is key. That’s why F and I Systems provides the hands on training that insures your program starts off strong and correctly.
F and I Systems represents only the top-rated insurance companies in America. Each customer’s Credit Insurance purchase is a sound and prudent choice protecting their investment and providing you with additional profits.
Are you ready for fewer headaches and more profit? Contact us today, and we can show you how, by including Credit Insurance in your business model.